The Pg88 vast majority of people who use self hypnosis are not dysfunctional crazies but in fact normal well-adjusted individuals who have been trying to secure change in their lives but have been unable to affect this change through conventional means. The many hundreds of self hypnosis applications and its very high success rate mean that this form of therapy, or mind programming, has become more popular over the years than any other self improvement tool.

Every one of us has some issue, or issues, in our lives that we would like to improve. Unfortunately historical ways of dealing with such things seldom produce satisfactory results. Even those that do produce positive long-term results take months, if not years, to implement. A good example of this is psychotherapy which is expensive, time-consuming, and often, fails to produce the measurable results desired.

AQs well as having a very high success rate there is an additional reason for utilizing the power of self hypnosis. As a tool for internal and external change it is by far the fastest method available today.

Self hypnosis can secure change rapidly because it gives you the ability to communicate directly with the subconscious mind and influence change at this very deep level of behaviourism.

Do you hold limiting beliefs about self hypnosis? Do you “buy into” any of the following – Self Hypnosis is dangerous; You need to be crazy to use self hypnosis; Only crazy people need to use self hypnosis; self hypnosis is evil; emotionally messed-up people use self hypnosis?

Not only do tehse beliefs hinder you from experiencing the true power and, almost magical, a Michael Emery
Michael J. Emery effects of self hypnosis but they are also all false!

By far the most common application of self hypnosis, as a self improvement tool, is to secure changes in behaviour. For example a great many self hypnosis practitioners begin their hypnotic journeys wanting to eliminate negative behaviours such as smoking or over-eating!

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